Pre-Existing Condition

Left shoulder injury from lifting a large overhead warehouse door.

The claimant alleged a left shoulder injury from lifting a large overhead warehouse door that jammed. The claimant’s medical records showed pre-existing left shoulder problems with treatment continuing through two days’ prior to the work incident.

This treatment included a recommendation for a left shoulder MRI. On the date of the alleged injury, the claimant underwent the previously scheduled MRI which showed no acute findings.

After reviewing all of the pre-existing and subsequent treatment records, Respondents’ IME opined that the claimant did not sustain a work-related injury. The ALJ credited this expert and the pre-existing records and found in favor of Respondents by denying the claim for compensation.

Maloney v. GFL Envir., W.C. No. 5-203-426 (Oct. 26, 2022).

Want to know more? Contact Michelle Prince at [email protected] or 877-259-5693.

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