The applicant sustained a compensable work injury to his right knee. He was diagnosed with a right knee sprain/strain. The applicant’s expert noted swelling and abnormal sensation in the nerves to the front of the applicant’s right knee. A nerve ablation to the right knee was recommended indefinitely. The applicant was placed at permanent and stationary status and was rated with a 31% permanent impairment to the lower right extremity. Supportive care recommendations included nerve ablations for life.
Defendants’ expert opined that there was no casual connection between the applicant’s current symptoms and the work injury. Rather, the applicant’s condition was related to a pre-existing condition and the work injury had resolved. The ALJ found in favor of Respondent that the applicant’s work injury had resolved, he did not have any permanent impairment to the right knee, and nerve ablations would be excluded from supportive care.
O’Sullivan v. Qwest Corporation, ICA No. 20230030323 (July 10, 2024).
Want to know more? Contact Megan Bornmann at [email protected] or 877-259-5693.